Case Study
The Challenge
As part of the US$45bn Canon Group of Companies, Canon Business Services (CBS) are a leading global provider of professional services. CBS are trusted by many of the world’s leading enterprises to deliver high quality and efficient managed services. As a partner since 2004, Claritum’s Enterprise platform streamlines quoting, sourcing, procurement and invoicing processes for CBS and their clients in Europe, USA and Asia Pacific. One such client is Scottish Enterprise. Scottish Enterprise is a Government Agency that promotes economic growth in Scotland by assisting in the development of existing businesses and promoting infrastructure and investment. Scottish Enterprise split their operations into 12 regions, each with independent processes, with resultant inefficiencies across the organisation. There was duplication of resources and ad hoc fragmented projects, with little or no effective cost control. The client’s team was also spending too much time with supply issues and not enough on their core task – promoting economic growth in Scotland.The Solution
Scottish Enterprise selected Canon Business Services to provide a tailored project Management solution including supply chain expertise, using Claritum’s Enterprise software platform. Claritum’s online Enterprise platform was deployed to deliver Scottish Enterprise’s project e-procurement requirements including integration with the Client’s own financial systems. The Claritum system delivered a user friendly and intuitive customer interface for managing projects and access to high quality management information 24x7x365. CBS now uses the Claritum Enterprise solution across a number of their clients. For Scottish Enterprise, the combination of CBS’s expertise and the Claritum Enterprise platform has delivered savings of 23%, plus a leaner and more flexible process workflow and improved overall project control.BENEFITS
Cost Savings
The savings have been achieved through a combination of increased leverage with suppliers, product re-engineering, supply chain management, benchmarking and a program of continual improvement.A full Audit Trail for all transactions is available, so that any queries can be quickly investigated.