by RachelS | eProcurement
Follow our 5 steps to achieve Procurement Maturity What stage is your business at? Businesses experience common problems which occur at similar stages in their development on the road to maturity.Identifying where your business is in it’s development can help you to...
by RachelS | eProcurement
In an increasingly complex environment Chief Procurement Officers have to face many procurement challenges. They can no longer focus purely on reducing costs and delivering goods and services: The role of procurement within organisations continues to expand so the...
by RachelS | eProcurement, Managing Suppliers
Traditional procurement processes can be characterised by manual and resource-intensive activities. Even where some automation is in place there can be unacceptable levels of manual transactions and activity to address exceptions, ad-hoc purchases or specific project...
by RachelS | eProcurement
1: Introduction Category procurement is perhaps the most common break down for Procurement teams and certainly is the most focused on in terms of written articles. Often these articles are focused on specific categories and their respective challenges. It would be a...
by RachelS | eProcurement
Introduction Procurement is a complex multidisciplinary team activity that crosses all areas of the business. The variables and complexities of purchasing products and services, from basic supplies through to strategic purchases, make Procurement a key resource within...
by RachelS | eProcurement
Does your business source products and services from global markets? If your company is sourcing goods and services internationally you could be reaping many benefits. These include access to cheap raw materials and products, tax breaks and reduced labour costs....